Monday, June 6, 2011

Let's try this blogging thing again....

SO..........last time I posted something I talked about going to The New and Seneca for several weeks and posting stuff from the road, and getting on all these awesome climbs etc. etc. Obviously posting anything was a big lie, as I suck at posting stuff on here.

The trip turned out to be a giant shit show.... instead of 5 weeks i was only out 3. I never went to Seneca, and stayed at the New. I got shut down HARD on the Greatest Show and it also rained almost everyday I of the trip. To top it all off I had to fight a shoulder/pectoral injury. On the bright side I got to hang out with some great people and friends and really enjoyed being back at the New, even if the climbing was a bust.

Since last August, I have left Chicago and Nancy and I moved down to Atlanta, so she can go to grad school at Emory. Being down here has been great! I'm 2-3 hours from dozens of climbing areas, you can climb almost all year around, even the summer if you can deal with the heat. We have a nice apartment and I've found a great crew of people to climb with on a regular basis.

I finished out 2010 by not really having accomplished any of my goals in climbing. A fact that hit me pretty hard and definitely lit a fire under me. My motivation for the most part is super high and I'm working on training as hard as I can. 2011 has been a great year for me so far, I sent my hardest boulder, routes, and even am really close to red-point in a day a multi-pitch route I've been eying up for years. All of this makes me want to train even harder. I'm in a really great cycle right now.

As the season goes on I really want to keep posting and probably put up some pictures to go along with the posts. Well, thats all for now....